I Have No Water, What Can I Check?
We all do it. We go to our faucet, turn it on and expect water to come out. It is so easy to take it for granted that we sometimes forget that if your water comes from a well, there are several mechanical devices that can and will fail.
Here are some tips to help keep your system running as smoothly as possible:
1) Clean. Clean around your pump and pressure switches. Don’t allow weeds, dirt, and ants to make a home near your well equipment.
2) Check for rusty and corroded looking pipes, fittings, valves, and tanks.
3) Listen to your pumps. They should run smoothly and quiet. If your pump wakes up your neighbors you should have it checked by a professional Master Plumber, before it decides to die.
4) If you have an aerator, drain it and clean it about every six months to a year, depending on your water quality. Also clean the aerator spray heads, they should be misting out full circle.
5) If you have cows, fence off the area around you water system. Cows can easily break things on your water system.
By cleaning and maintaining your system, you will prevent a lot of ” honey we don’t have any water” comments from your spouse on a saturday night, just after dark.
The most common cause of no water is the pressure switch. It fails to make contact with the points. That’s why tapping on the pressure switch sometimes will make it turn on again. It moves the points around a little bit so the points can make contact. Ants like to get between the points and when the points close the ants are smooched. This causes the points not to make contact and will cause the pressure switch to fail. Sometimes cleaning the points with a piece of sandpaper can prolong the life of the switch and get your water back on.
Also check to make sure you have the proper voltage coming to your pump. You may just need a new pump. When shopping for one, remember that most plumbers in Myakka City prefer a Goulds pump. Gould pumps stand the test of time.
If your aerator is empty, a couple of things could of happened. Your pressure switch did not turn on. Your fill valve or electric solonoid valve isn’t working. Or your pump died.
A plumber in Sarasota, such as Wimpy’s Plumbing & Air Inc., would be able to help you if any of this is beyond your expertise.
Call us if you need help. We are a State Certified Plumbing Contractor, serving the Sarasota, Bradenton Florida area.
We are available 24/7. Call 941-322-1911 or book on line at www.LoveYourPlumber.com.