Sipping Toilet repaired by Sarasota Plumber.

Having been in the Plumbing business in Sarasota for over forty three years, we thought we had heard every description of plumbing problems from our customers. Yet to the amazement of all of our Master Plumbers on staff, we had never heard a water closet problem being described as a sipping toilet!
Being service plumbers, we are always up for a new challenge, so all of us wanted to go fix the sipping toilet. Just to see what the problem could be. Well we all drew straws and the longest straw was the one who got to go. Low and behold, when our Sarasota Plumber arrived at the customers home to fix their plumbing problem in Bradenton, we asked the customer to describe what her problem was. Even though the customer explains their problem over the phone to Lori, our customer service representative, we as the professional need to hear it ourselves from the customer, so we can properly diagnosis the problem with all of the information. Then being fully aware of the entire situation, we can determine the solution to the customers plumbing problem or problems.
Our customer with the sipping toilet, took us upstairs and showed us her toilet. Sure enough, the only way she knew how to describe it, was calling what it was doing, “sipping”.
It turns out our customer loves to keep her house, including her plumbing fixtures, very clean, tidy and orderly. Turns out to keep her toilet bowl sparkling clean, she was putting three inch swimming pool tabs in her toilet tank. Now I could not argue with her that the swimming pool tabs were doing a remarkable job keeping her toilet bowl sparkling. However, the chlorine tabs that she was putting in the toilet tank, were destroying all the rubber, brass and steel parts and deforming the plastic parts inside her toilet tank. This caused her toilet to constantly run. Thus, the description in her words, the toilet was sipping!
Since her toilet looked good and she said it was flushing fine and she did not want a new toilet, we replaced all the parts in her toilet and removed the chlorine tab.
Wimpy’s Plumbing & Air, always up for a plumbing problem/challenge! Call the experts, we would be happy to be your Plumber! 941-322-1911 or book on line,